Used to form beads that hold diamonds and other stones in settings. Also used for tightening loose stones. Sets come in protective plastic organizer case. Handle included
77.2931 Set of 23 pieces plus handle
77.2930 Set of 12 pieces plus handle
77.2940 Replacement handle
Individual Tool
No. Size# No. Size# No. Size# No. Size#
77.2900 0 77.2906 6 77.2912 12 77.2918 18
77.2901 1 77.2907 7 77.2913 13 77.2919 19
77.2902 2 77.2908 8 77.2914 14 77.2920 20
77.2903 3 77.2909 9 77.2915 15 77.2921 21
77.2904 4 77.2910 10 77.2916 16 77.2922 22
77.2905 5 77.2911 11 77.2917 17